Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dreams Die Hard

Hey all!

I've been reading Dreams Die Hard, and highly recommend that you at least read the first few chapters—they deal a ton with the history of Stanford.  Specifically, there's much discussion of Stern hall, which in the early 60's was considered the lamest of alternatives to living in a fraternity.  Allard Lowenstein, who is one of the major characters in the  book, played a big role in trying to change the perception of Stern hall on campus.  It's really interesting stuff.

I did some quick browsing online and found a helpful university-run webpage that gives short descriptions about the role that Stanford's presidents played in the development of the university.  It's pretty interesting stuff: http://stanford.edu/home/stanford/leader.html#Sterling

Hope all is well, and that the beginnings of summer have found you well-rested!

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